Guide preview «How to find a job at M&E?»
September 30, 2024

Guide preview «How to find a job at M&E?»

This is a preview version of the guide. We will tell you how to improve your LinkedIn profile.

The full version of the guide will have the following sections

  • Countries and Industries in M&E
  • How to improve your creative and tech portfolio
  • Work Visas in several countries and the United States specialty
  • Where to find jobs listing
  • How to apply and use ChatGPT
  • English and preparation for Interview
  • The Interview Itself and the Offer
  • Several pieces of advice from people who work in the industry
  • The full version will be available in English and Russian

Links to full full version of the guide

In order to access the full version of the guide you must register.

LinkedIn Profile  

Let's start with the fact that you need it because M&E recruiters in English-speaking countries search for new employees there. I would even say that if you are not on LinkedIn, you don't exist for hiring.

Here's a list of how you can improve your LinkedIn profile

  • Add a cover photo that matches your profile picture or something abstract.
  • Write a proper, long About section, include your personal email, and state how you can be useful as an employee. See below about ChatGPT as it can help you write it.
  • Post occasionally. A profile without posts is dead, and HR won't bother reaching out to you. It's hard to keep up, so set a task on your calendar to remind you to write something from time to time.
  • Add relevant people to your contacts regularly. If you're a manager, you should have 500+ contacts. Without this, according to HR, you're not a director, supervisor, etc. It's as hard as the previous point, but it's also crucial.
  • If you want to work, say, in the US, mention that you're already in LA. Many recruiters in the US only look for candidates in the US (see below about visas).
  • Specify in your LinkedIn profile that you're open to work - this is how recruiters filter candidates.

You can choose who sees this banner, it is important so that your current employer doesn't see that you're looking for a job.

  • If you represent a company, or you're a freelancer, add a "Providing Services" section.
  • Add a "Featured" section and include links to your portfolio or videos, see above.
  • Ask five to ten friends to write a recommendation for you on LinkedIn, even a couple is already good.
  • Change your profile URL to a shorter one without numbers, you can do this here.
  • Add a "Skills" section so that your connections can endorse you.
  • Describe what you did for each job, and importantly, what achievements you made in each of them.
“My advice may not be very helpful, but the main idea is to fill out your LinkedIn profile in as much detail and with as much quality as possible. I've already had three jobs in a year from companies finding me on LinkedIn, and I regularly receive interview invitations.”
Dmitry Shurov Software R&D Engineer at Digital Domain

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